Ending Sexual Violence > Ending sexual violence in our lives
Ending sexual violence

Ending sexual violence in our lives

Sex­u­al vio­lence affects every­one in our com­mu­ni­ties and every­one has a role in help­ing to cre­ate com­mu­ni­ties based on con­sent and respect.

Sup­port­ing some­one you know

Most sur­vivors nev­er tell a help­ing pro­fes­sion­al about the abuse. As friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers, we can have a mas­sive impact on sur­vivors feel­ing sup­port­ed and validated.

Don’t hes­i­tate to call SACHA’s 24 Hour Sup­port Line — 905.525.4162! As an ally to sur­vivors, you deserve a con­fi­den­tial space where you can brain­storm ideas and get sup­port for your­self too.

If some­one tells you there were sex­u­al­ly assaulted:

  • Believe them
  • Let them know that they are not alone
  • Let them know that they get to decide what to do next
  • Empow­er them to make their own decisions
  • Ask how you can help. Real­ly lis­ten to their answer.


From answer­ing our 24 Hour Sup­port Line, sit­ting on cen­tre com­mit­tees and vol­un­teer­ing at events, last year vol­un­teers con­tributed over 11 000 hours to the centre.

Women and non-binary volunteers answer SACHA’s support line twenty-four hours a day from their homes. A sixteen week training is provided for all interested volunteers.

For more information on becoming a support line volunteer check out this pdf or contact Miriam - clvol@sacha.ca or 905.525.4573 x222. Screening starts July and August. Next training is September 8th to December 19th.

Fundraising Committee

Help to raise money so that SACHA can continue to provide our amazing services. Volunteers on the Fundraising Committee help to organize our annual fundraiser Chocolate Fest.

If you are interested in joining the Fundraising Committee, please contact us.

Management Committee

Help SACHA to make decisions on how the centre is run and how we engage in our work.

If you are interested in volunteering on Management Committee please contact Rachel - SACHA's Management Committee Chair.

Click here to download the SACHA Managemente Committe Call for Applications.
Click here to download the Management Committee Application Package.

Take Back the Night

Take Back the Night is a powerful opportunity for all woman-identified individuals to build connections, reclaim our right to safety, and courageously stand up against violence in our community.

Buy Take Back the Night t-shirts at our Threadless shop - https://sacha.threadless.com/

Hamilton Feminist Zine Fair

The Hamilton Feminist Zine Fair, organized by SACHA, celebrates and creates spaces for marginalized groups to have discussions about feminism through do-it-yourself publishing.

Chocolate Fest

Chocolate Fest is SACHA's biggest and chocolatey-est fundraiser. If you are interested in volunteering at Chocolate Fest, reach out through our contact form.

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