Ending Sexual Violence > Ending sexual violence in our communities
Ending sexual violence

Ending sexual violence in our communities

Choco­late Fest

For over forty years SACHA — Hamil­ton Sex­u­al Assault Cen­tre — has been work­ing to sup­port sur­vivors and to end sex­u­al vio­lence. Show your SACHA sup­port and help us to keep offer­ing these much need­ed ser­vices to the Hamil­ton community!

Join us for an ele­gant evening of choco­late treats from Hamil­ton and sur­round­ing areas pre­mière choco­latiers, bak­eries, and restaurants.

Email sadie@​sacha.​ca to become a Choco­late Fest ven­dor or for more infor­ma­tion about the event.


Take Back the Night

Take Back the Night, an annu­al event orga­nized by SACHA, is a pow­er­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty for sur­vivors and their sup­port­ers to active­ly build con­nec­tions, assertive­ly reclaim our right to safe­ty, and coura­geous­ly stand up against vio­lence.

Buy Take Back the Night tshirts at our Thread­less shop — https://​sacha​.thread​less​.com/

Hamil­ton Fem­i­nist Zine Fair

The Hamil­ton Fem­i­nist Zine Fair, orga­nized by SACHA, cel­e­brates and cre­ates spaces for mar­gin­al­ized groups to have dis­cus­sions about fem­i­nism through do-it-your­self publishing.

We’re aim­ing to cre­ate an acces­si­ble event that gives a plat­form to those often under-rep­re­sent­ed in zine culture.

HFZF will have peo­ple tabling, sell­ing and chat­ting about their zines, and a six hour zine challenge.

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